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Encyclopedia of the Universe
2,632 new | 6,400+ total | 5,376 archived articles (Hmolpedia A65)
Visual gist of Hmolpedia (see: overview page), wherein the lotus 🪷 seated human molecule equates, linguistically, to the 10,000 value Horus child 𓀔 [A17], born from a bulb 💡 of sun ☀️ light 𓋐 [R29], which comes out of the 1000-valued rising morning lotus 𓆼 [M12], which is the 28th Greek alphabet letter (,A).[1]

Hmolpedia is an A to Z Encyclopedia[2], or ‘cyclical 111’, of Human Thermodynamics , Human Chemistry , and Human Physics , aka the two-cultures disciplines; the subject of human chemical thermodynamics (HCT), the new humanities theory of everything, in focus.


Hmolpedia, as a subject, collectively defined, refers to notes 📝 on the topic of hmolscience, from hmol-, meaning: “mass ⚖️ unit” of humans (Dodd, 2A[3]/1953), e.g. three woman 👩🏼, 👩🏻, 👩🏽 mixed with five men 👨🏻, 👨🏼, 👨🏽, 👨🏾, 👨🏿 at their job; the 1,600+ kids of Columbine High School; or 3.8M Ukrainians 🇺🇦 in system contact with 143M Russians 🇷🇺, + -science, meaning: “to know”, the humanities; collated and reduced, herein, into exact science.

Human chemical thermodynamics

The formation energy model of how people come into existence (Schroeder, A45/2000), by being synthesized by the working atheistic[4] powers of a gear ⚙️ turning thermodynamic universe.

Focus is on the derivation, from first principles (Anaximander, 2525A/-570), of the characteristic functions of human chemical thermodynamics (HCT), aka the science behind the “systematic conception of it all” (Adams, 92A/1863).

Each person, or bound state (e.g. married couple, family, business, or society, etc.), in the new view, is synthesized by the universe, from the elements, defined by a formation energy , who blurbs into existence; minds 🧠 becoming quickly filled 💭 with Calvin and Hobbes like: what, WHY, when, where, and how queries; albeit most, until now, being left unanswered.

Human chemical thermodynamics, a subject initiated by Goethe (146A/1809), via chemical affinities, is the newly-forming heat-driven, reaction-based, chemical "matter and motion" (Ostwald, 1906A/49A) science. The chemical thermodynamics of humans, although replete with multifarious deeply-dug rabbit holes, is the operational replacement for: “god hypothesis” (Laplace, 153A/1802), “self-motion” theories (Newton, 281A/1674), metaphysical anthropisms (Sherrington, 17A/1938), and all pet theories rooted as weeds therein and around.[5]

Alphabet evolution

See also: Egyptian hieroglyphs list; Alphabet sign table

The following Evolution of The AlphaBet chart (Thims, 8 Jun A69/2024), see: cross-post analysis[6], shows the hieroglyphic ABGD origin and evolution of the alphabet, the letter B {Bet} or 𓇯▽ [C297] and letter G {Geb} or 𓅬𓃀 [A97B], having 3:4:5 triangle conceptualized, celestial geometric cosmic Alpha-Bet creating sex, the BG sex scene from the Turin Erotic Papyrus (3100A/-1145):

Here, in short, the famous reported-to-have-existed, by Plato and Plutarch, E², 5², or 25+ letter[7]Egyptian alphabet” has been deciphered, found to be based on the first three rows, i.e. first 27 stoicheia (letter-number-god elements), of the 8-row 9-column 72-unit Egyptian equinox precession table, stoicheia units numbered from 1 to 90,000,000.

Scientific 𓂀⃤𓊽 linguistics 🗣️

Hmolpedia, since the recent re-deciphered of the Rosetta Stone, by Thims (15 Nov A69/2024), has become an Egyptian etymology based Wikipedia + Wiktionary combined, e.g. see: Diéus ph₂tḗr, wherein all words and names are defined down to and below their so-called 3:4:5 triangle Greek E² root; below which lies a 72 unit Egyptian equinox precession table, which, for the Egyptians, coded for a 26,000 year precession cosmic cycle, each word or name framed therein by Egyptian hieroglyphic etymon root, with Thoth 𓁟 [C3], as the letter god, and Seshat 𓋇 [R20], as the number and groma goddess, working together to make mathematically-defined so-called cosmic cartouche 𓍷 [V10] names.[8] Names or words reduced to this level are found being slowly collected in the Category:Etymon page.[9] This newly developing field is called “scientific linguistics”, about which a 7-volume Scientific Linguistics book set is in the works.


The following, in Hmolpedia archives, is the 10-volume, 3.5M-word, 4,050 online article level, published version of Hmolpedia A61 (2016), as a printed encyclopedia:[10]

On 1 Sep A65 (2020), Thims uploaded a 5,376-article 10,093-page (435 MB) single pdf-file version (with images) of Hmolpedia A65 (2020) to[11]

Page archives

On 25 Dec A69 (2024), Thims began to “archive” individual articles, e.g. the previous version of the entropy (3 Mar A67/2022) article — the term “entropy” (TL:2,247|#3) itself being the 3rd most internally-hyperlinked term in Hmolpedia, but having not been edited in 2.5 years, per the Hmolpedia down issue (back online: 23 Dec A69/2024[12]) — was moved to entropy (A67), allowing for a new 🆕 freshly-blanked entropy {active} article to be started, therein yielding for a five plus tiered growing reference structure for the encyclopedia, with the earlier versions listed in an “archive” section to each article, as follows:

This is thematic to how the famous Britannica 1911 (44A) edition is archived at WikiSource and employed as a historical searchable reference, unique for its perspectives at this specific point in time. Presumably, now, every two or so years, growing articles, of a certain density (word count and citation count)[14] will be so-called archived-blanked and restarted anew.


The following are related quotes:

Hmolpedia: supposedly there is a common trait among people of IQ over 200 (e.g. Goethe: 225), like the writer of this huge site and related tomes, which makes them understand some very complex phenomenon which is called human thermodynamics explaining everything, most importantly love and it relieves them of the pains of using excel spreadsheets to find the best mate out of 19 girlfriends; however Goethe’s testimonial is missing.”
User Π (A54/2009), “Most wanted articles” (archive) (163+ votes) Todo List, RationalWiki, Sep 9
“What is Hmolpedia? Who invented it, and is it good? I see a lot of hits on it but no Wikipedia page. Is it like Conservapedia but scientific?”
— Tooele Utah (A64/2019), Science Reference Desk, Wikipedia, Mar 12[15]
“How about you get back to me on this when my encyclopedia reaches the 10,000 article level, having reached the 6,310th article today with the Senusret III article, which puts me at having written 5.5M words, over the last 20+ years online. Maybe, after I write 10M+ words, or a 28-volume encyclopedia (printed), I will finally be able to ‘comprehend reading 📖’? I don’t know.”
Libb Thims (A69/2024), “reply” to user P(17)4, Alphanumerics, Hmol Reddit, Dec 28[16]

End matter

Funding 💸

If you use Hmolpedia, which has been free (no paywall), ad-free, and online since A50 (2005):

Hmolpedia a fantastic summary of all the confusion. I am curious to know where your website is coming from. Who owns and funds it? Who is its intended readership?”
Leslie Woodcock (A55/2010), “Comment to Libb Thims”, Hmolpedia, Aug 8

more than a few times per month, consider sending Thims a few dollars, monthly 📆 or yearly, via Zelle® or Patreon, as a donation or suggested user fee, so to keep Hmolpedia afloat 🏝️ — which was down for 2.5-years during the Pandemic 🦠, owing to a code 🧑‍💻 debugging / operating system crash funding 💲 problem (which Thims could not pay 💰 for), to help with funding:

Support 💰 Hmolpedia
Down » Needs » Funding | Zelle & Patreon (about) » University 🏛️

How to donate, via the Zelle® Hmolpedia QR code, with your phone 📱?

If you have deep pockets, which is what funding template is ideally targeted 🎯 towards (see: Hmolpedia funding), and a desire to change the future A1000 (2955 ACM) world 🌍 for good, drop Thims one of the following:

  1. 1M+ dollars, if you want Hmolpedia, as a growing functional free-to-read to the world encyclopedia, connected to a top university, after Thims is non-existent. [R1]
  2. 3M+ dollars, if you want to found a chemical engineering thermodynamics based two cultures chair, similar to what Florence Nightingale lobbied and raised $100K+ towards, in her envisioned at Oxford chair of social physics, or what semi-related to Louis Appignani did to found America’s first “chair of atheism”.
  3. 100M+ million, if you want to found the world’s first two cultures department.
  4. 3B+ dollars 💵, if you want to found the world’s first two cultures university 🏛️, semi-related to what Leland Stanford did. [R2]
  5. Ideally, half of the world’s 2,700+ billionaires, should donate at least half of their money to the two cultures mechanism ⚙️ fund.


  1. If you are interested in joining Hmolpedia (see: User list; Active users), which has been previously open to join, but has been put on lock down because of spam bots and malicious users, you now have to first obtain the secret name, which you can only obtain from Thims via message or email, as summarized: here, after you post about some of your previous work, publications, or effort in this field, and or reasons for joining this site.
  2. Since, per note #1, Hmolpedia talk pages are now restricted, if you have a comment, objection, suggestion, or complaint about some article in Hmolpedia, you now have to voice you complaint either at (a) the Reddit Hmolpedia sub, or (b) the Hmolpedia forum, where discussion will resume.


  1. See: Evolution of The AlphaBet posters for the “visual” of the 10,000 value Horus child 𓀔 [A17], born from a bulb 💡 of sun ☀️ light 𓋐 [R29], which comes out of the 1000-valued rising morning lotus 𓆼 [M12].
  2. Formerly wiki pages (6 Dec A52/2007 to A65/2020), formerly “glossary” terminology anchored hyperlinks, and a dozen+ web pages (11 Jul A50/2005), formerly two+ dozen file cabinets of research material, on the chemical thermodynamics of humans, of Libb Thims (A46/2001).
  3. All Hmolpedia years are being newly re-dated, plus or minus the year that atoms ⚛️ were first seen 🔬, specifically on 11 Oct 1955 or 0A (in A-notation) by Erwin Muller, at Penn State University, according to the new elementum calendar, invented by Libb Thims on 25 Apr A65 (2020); visit: Atom Seen for summary and the AtomSeen Hmol Reddit sub for updates.
  4. Chemical thermodynamics, by present day standard college level definition, is a god-free subject.
  5. The wiki pages of Hmolpedia in short, are footnotes or rather Bearcat parts to this rather peculiar and historically-complex derivation.
  6. (a) Thims, Libb. (A69/2024). “Alphabet evolution chart | Cross-post analysis”, Alphanumerics, Reddit, Jun 9.
    (b) The Alphabet Evolution chart was to 18+ different Reddit subs, getting 135K+ views, 355+ upvotes (86%), and 373+ shares.
  7. Up to the age of Apis or Serapis (27th letter, sampi) or age of Osiris (age 28; 28-letters) sign alphabet, according to Plutarch.
  8. All letters, terms, words, and names, herein, are being etymological reduced to their mathematical roots, via the new field of scientific linguistics, aka Egypto alpha-numerics (EAN). Words are employed that are physico-chemically neutral (PCN), such as seen in the abioism glossary.
  9. Prior to the new Category:Etymon collection method, EAN-decoded etymologies were being collected in the Reddit EAN Etymon Dictionary letter 🔠 index table, and posted for discussion in the Etymo sub.
  10. Thims, Libb. (A69/2024). “Hmolpedia A61 (2016)”, Hmolpedia, Reddit, Nov 10.
  11. Thims, Libb. (A65/2020). Hmolpedia A65 (pdf-file), Archive, Sep 1.
  12. Thims, Libb. (A69/2024). “Hmolpedia back online! (23 Dec A69/2024)!!!”, Hmolpedia, Reddit, 3:40PM CST Dec 23
  13. Thims, Libb. (A61/2016). Hmolpedia: A-Z Encyclopedia of Human Thermodynamics, Human Chemistry, and Human Physics, Volume Three 3️⃣ (El-Goe) (pdf-file) (entropy, pgs. 1478-82). LuLu.
  14. Reddit has a 40,000-character 20-image max for posts and Wikipedia articles tend to freeze-up, become too-long to read, and make for too large a file size for mobile reading, at about the 100+ reference level.
  15. Hmolpedia (12 Mar A64/2019) – Wikipedia.
  16. Thims, Libb. (A69/2024). “Nothing like a linguist troll to boil the water!”, Alphanumerics, Reddit, Dec 29.