In terms, bi (LH:4), in Greek: βι (NE:12), in Latin: “vi”, is a term thematic to the moon being at "full" force, strength, power, "twelve" times per year, on average; and thematic to the fact that people "feel" more alive during a full moon; and that women become fertile once per lunar month. Bi is the core Greek etymological root of the words such as: life, alive, and living.[1] The Egyptian prescript etymology, to the Greek: βι, however, is more complex, but largely derives from the logic of the "ankh" of Hathor giving life.
When years occur with "thirteen" full moons, the equivalent word bia (βια) (NE:13), yielding derived words, i.e. violated, violent, violence, etc., with a darker meaning, generally themed on the number "13" being deemed unlucky or bad, in some way.
The Greek word Greek: βι (NE:12) is a complex Egyptian-to-Greek isopsephy cipher, bound up in the original making, i.e. formulation of the Greek alphabet, in its first letters, in the years 1200 to 400BC, the gist of which rooted in the fact that there are twelve full moons per year, and reproductive and crop season phenomena related to that.
The symbolism of the the word bi (βι) having a numerical value of "twelve", namely:
- β (2) + ι (10) = 12 (βι)
is code from the fact that women ovulate once every month, i.e. can become pregnant 12 different periods of each year, meaning that women are are at full reproductive power or fertility one per full moon or lunar cycle. The following, barring prolonged digression, are the main number ciphers:
- Bi (βι) (NE:12) = Vi (Latin) = virtue, force, strength, power
- Bia (βια) (NE:13) = violence, violent, violated
- Is (Ις) (NE:210) = Vis (Latin) = force, strength; secret name: fertile (πιον)
- Bios (βιος) (NE:282) = diameter of circle (sun disc) with circumference of "888" units (solar magic square rows + diagonal sum)
The number "12" here refers to the 12 lunar months, wherein women ovulate 12 eggs, once per month, or twelve fertility periods per year. The term "bios" being isopsephy geometrical number derived from the solar magic square (or the 888 number).
Ankh | Is | Vis
In 800BC, plus or minus a century or two, Greeks all traveled to Egypt to study, and therefrom converted the Egyptian myth of the "ankh of Hathor" making life, into that of the "Is of Aphrodite" making life, which later became the myth of "vis of Venus" given people life; in sum:
The following is a basic path summary of this cultural transmission:
- “Proceeding from her proclamation that she was patroness of women, Isis in her aretalogy[2] gives several specific reasons why women especially owed her homage and looked to her for protection. It was she who had brought man and woman together: ‘Eγώ γυναίκα καί άνδρα συνήγαγον’ [I am a woman and a man]. Or as the Oxyrhynchus Papyri [300BC][3] more graphically expresses it, it was her will that men and women should anchor together: ‘σν καί τάς σώας γυναίκαs άνδράσι συνορμισθηναι θέλιs’ [although the bodies of a man and a woman want to be cooperated ]. This reference to her concern with sexual life was developed through her identification with Hathor and Aphrodite-Venus. Particularly in the eyes of women was Isis the goddess, as were Hathor and Aphrodite-Venus, who united the sexes in love and perpetuated human life. Her identification with Hathor is visible in those representations in which she wears a cow's horns or head or appears entirely in the form of a cow. Plutarch attempted to explain this Hathor-form by having Isis receive a cow headdress from Hermes. The horns were interpreted by many authors as the crescent moon, although there is no evidence that she was connected with the moon in Egypt; thus, Plutarch says that the moon is summoned for help in love affairs. The Greeks saw in Isis-Hathor their own goddess Aphrodite, and subsequently identified Isis with Aphrodite.”
- — Sharon Heyob (1975), The Cult of Isis Among Women in Graeco-Roman World (pgs. 48-49)[4]
In 400-200BC, the Hathor or Hathor-Isis to Aphrodite transition, based on inscriptions at Alexandra, Egypt, and Delos, Greece, was predominate and popular.
Vis viva
In 1686, the "vis" or force Venus model, indirectly, during the scientific enlightenment, became the "vis viva" model of Gottfried Leibniz:
defined as the quantity of the mass m of a moving object and the square of its velocity v2, albeit this being defined for steel balls being dropped or rolled down planes.
In 1769, Denis Diderot, in his §2.26-30 of Alembert's Dream (part two), has the character Jean Alembert deliriously about how a "point vivant", aka or "living atom" (Fernel, 1712), could become a "molecule sensible et vivante" (molecule that is sensible and living), which would eventually became a "etre un" (single being)?
The following are related quotes:
- “The letter beta [β] is sometimes used for the sound V, as in the Greek transliteration of Jehovah (ιεΧωβα).”
- — Kieren Barry (1999), The Greek Qabalah (pg. 216)[5]
End matter
See also
- ↑ Thims, Libb. (66AE). Abioism: No Thing is Alive, on the Defunct Theory of Life, the Non-Existence of Life, and Life Terminology Reform (pdf). Publisher.
- ↑ Aretalogy – Wikipedia.
- ↑ Oxyrhynchus Papyri – Wikipedia.
- ↑ Heyob, Sharon. (1975). The Cult of Isis Among Women in Graeco-Roman World (pgs. 48-49). Brill.
- ↑ Barry, Kieren. (1999). The Greek Qabalah: Alphabetic Mysticism and Numerology in the Ancient World (pdf) (§:Dictionary of Isopsephy, pgs. 215-271). Weiser.
External links
- bi – Wiktionary.